Sunday, November 9, 2008

That's in Your Face

Lately I have been reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. This book has me thinking and really has me looking at myself and my walk with God. Why does God love us? Why should He? Do I really love Him? One thing Chan talks about is like when you love someone, or they love you. Do they love you for you or because your good looking, or the gifts you give, or your money, or your popularity or whatever? Do I love God for Him or because of His protection, his blessings, or the times He rescues me?? These are in your face questions. Why do your quiet time? Do you feel quilty or do you just enjoy spending time with your Daddy and learning more about Him?

I don't really know how to end this blog... It's just some food for thought. I know it already has me praying that I will get closer to God and just keep running the race.